Bosnia has a population of 3.3 million. The US spent $15 Billion during the conflict, mostly on military, a little bit post war. $4500 for every man, woman & child.

Put another way, Bosnia's total GDP is about $18 Billion. The US spent 83% of Bosnia's GDP on our "contribution" to the war.

And it was just one little insane & forgotten war at the end of the War Century.

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Pretty sure this diesel didn't travel all the way from China. As in the case of "American" LNG, a lot of it was produced in Russia, bought by US traders and sold in Europe as "stick it to Russians - freedom natural gas". Politics is one thing and commerce is quite another.

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Silly restrictions aiming to subvert markets inevitably lead to creative workarounds. There are doubtless lots of them in progress. That said, I think we can guess that these numbers do for the most part reflect real exports. Ergo, someone is buying that diesel.

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China has been making war preparations, its what this entire covid show was all about, and its been one hell of a stress test!


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