Governments are going to government.

The West’s response has been stage managed by the DoD (a transnational shadow government)

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I'd like to open a debate, point by point:

1) in your article you talk more about how Blackrock controls the US Fortune 500 companies than how every Chinese private company larger than a certain size needs to have a political cadre appointed who can direct and influence the policies and goals of the company to align them with the government's vision. Furthermore dividing SOE generated GDP from Private Enterprise's doesn't tell the whole story, as sectors as construction (stated around 20-30% of GDP - no clear data there - and also influencing shadow banking) is all a collusion between Government and Enterprise.

2) Although you run through the different components of the Chinese Government, to be part of any of the governmental and territorial administrations, one must be enrolled in the Chinese Communist Party - which recently changed it's name to CPC for image cleaning reasons - unless being a purely technical staff.

4 and 5) during the first wave every country scrambled to look at what the others where doing. That China used WHO / Rockefeller Foundation standards at the beginning of the outset is false, as they let the virus spread for the first period - and that's why we have it all over the world - until they went full lockdown. Chinese lockdowns though have been very different from Western lockdowns. In the Western world it has been clearly stated that the first lockdowns were to develop a vaccine and as soon as the population reached immunity through vaccination programs and controlled spread of the virus everything would be back to normal. Also every country had different levels of interference with the population: Italy and Spain were way more restrictive than the UK, Netherlands and Sweden. What one must note though is that today's Chinese lockdowns have no equivalent in the Western world for the brutality of the response also because of the lack of controlled spread and vaccinations. Although Australia has had long lockdowns nobody was deported to concentration camps and/or left to die because of the health system shutdown. Saying that a vaccination is the same "lack of respect of bodily integrity" as being locked into your apartment for months on end makes me wonder whether the author is defending this method.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

(Re: 1) Judged by their results, in aggregate the Chinese economy is far more efficient and continues to grow far more quickly than its US counterpart. It is not necessary to know the details of interaction between government and private industry to deduce this. The results speak for themselves. Unless you live in an alternate reality where 20th century planned economies such as the Soviet Union and Maoist China outperformed economies built around private enterprise, you will know from ample historical evidence that government bureaucrats are not able to produce such results.

(Re: 2) The official English name of the party has always been "CPC". It sounds like you are claiming that to only party members can become civil servants (公务员). If so, that is not true. Not sure about how this is connected to the article.

(Re: 4) You mention that "every country scrambled to look at what the others where doing." What is your basis for this claim? Why would they need to "scramble" when such scenarios had been played through multiple times in various planning exercises by the health ministries of governments all around the world?

(Re: 5) Regarding your final sentence: Maybe you overlooked the next to last sentence in the article? This one: "In reality, objectively there is no way to compare apples and oranges." In other words, to put it in financial terms, there is no objective exchange rate between, say, 1,000 people killed by ventilators in New York and, say, 20,000 losing their businesses in Ruili, or 100,000 people deprived of their civil rights by unlawfully deporting them to quarantine hotels for two weeks.

That said, while we support neither lockdowns nor forced injections, if you are only comparing these two particular policies, coercing entire populations into taking unwanted injections by threating them with the loss of their livelihood or access to society is arguably far far worse than confining them to their homes for two months.

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Forced injections are coming, count on it!

Brute force covid testing is taking place all over China.

Also, laws change quickly especially in China, forced abortions were (still are?) common practice, and organ harvesting is also a standard procedure as death row prisoners are quite profitable.

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No sign thus far of any such policy (forced injections); on the contrary, the Chinese government in Beijing was on an extremely short list of countries which made coerced vaccinations explicitly illegal. Why would this change? This sounds more like the Epoch Times caricature of China (organ harvesting fetish etc.) than the real thing.

As for "brute force covid testing" - as you put it - I don't think that is very characteristic of reality, because it's not the Chinese way of doing things. Pressure to comply is almost always exerted in far more subtle ways, and in this particular case many have refused to comply. Some people completely refuse, and far more others consent to testing occasionally but not on a daily basis. Are there some cases of violence? No doubt. But they are not representative.

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State sponsored organ harvesting is a globalist operation, and it goes hand in hand with human trafficking as transplant tourism is extremely lucrative, especially with a massive DNA database provided by covid testing.

Perhaps vaccination is not as profitable, especially if the recipients end up dead, rather than with a lifetime of health complications?

Unfortunately, the medical industrial complex is a monster that won't die quietly!

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This is kind of a 'fog of war' problem. Assuming you are implying that elements of some Chinese government entity have the surplus energy to participate in this (for what reason???) in the middle of the Covid hysteria, even if it were true, what kind of evidence of this would be convincing? Almost anything the Falun Gong / NTD people write and say about China is either fabricated, misconstrued, egregiously exaggerated or at a minimum twisted in some way. And this happens to be one of their absolute favorite topics. Objectively speaking this makes it very hard to tell truth from fiction.

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The 'fog of war' problem is all by design!

Good luck getting any insider information when the penalty is death.

Nationalism is a farce, as almost all nation states were conceived of centuries ago, and the Chinese model is the globalist society that the rest of the world is meant to emulate. (according to the U.N. charter)

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Brute force relocation and covid testing!

Feel free to debunk this, if you can?


"More than 4,300 people have been transferred to Nanxinyuan Community in Chaoyang District, Beijing, and the community has been out of water. It is impossible not to go."

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I don't see anything which looks or sounds fake. It sounds like the standard Chinese government approach to getting people to submit without resorting to violence: (1) Sun Chunlan minions issue (illegal) deportation orders; (2) lots of people say no; (3) minions find illegal coercive methods to apply pressure on the holdouts, in this case by threatening to cut off the water supply. It's possible to live without running water for quite some time, however.

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Its not illegal unless they get caught, its the Chinese way!

Also, it wasn't a threat, the water was actually cut off.

I vividly remember the great freeze of Shanghai in January, 2016, busted water pipes everywhere, and it took some people months to recover, as the water damage was quite extensive.

Obviously most wouldn't choose to endure without a functioning toilet!

Here is another "myth" of forced relocation (and testing) in Shanghai.


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The national government may have made coerced vaccination illegal, but this just means that they let the coercion happen further down the chain. For example, the Hangzhou government bullied people into getting their children vaccinated, and many employers did the same.

IMO this was a face-saving way for the government to plausibly deny Epoch Times-style "forced injections" more than any high-minded respect for its citizens' bodily autonomy.

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Your first sentence is entirely true. That said, coercion was never legal and as discussed in our previous article was explicitly condemned and stopped on countless occasions by the responsible authorities in Beijing. The problem is that the Beijing prohibition on coercion was in conflict with the vaccination targets set "further down the chain." Very typical for the Chinese government. For example, in one district in Chongqing authorities tried to make vaccination obligatory to use the metro. People complained and this rule was quickly overturned. Another approach used was to ban children from school if there parents were not vaccinated. A third one was to demand 48-hour PCR tests from unvaccinated children. (This happened in the Haidian district of Beijing.) All of these measures were quickly overturned after a barrage of complaints to the 12345 hotline. While the hotline is not 100% reliable, we can attest from both direct experience and third party reports that they are both able and willing to force local authorities to roll back coercive policies. That coercion still succeeds on occasion is due to the fact that most people are reluctant to complain and prefer to do what they are told. Alas.

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There is quite an ugly history of killing the messenger in China!

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`FWIW, Australia did ship some ABorigines to an isolation camp and, iiorc, received forced vaccinations.

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Hong Kong has a vaccine passport now.

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Mainland Chinese law does not apply there, so Hong Kong did indeed impose some restrictions which would have been illegal on the mainland.

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Hong Kong has been the testing ground for global pandemic response procedures.

Its only a matter of profitability before this becomes law in mainland China.

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yes but Hong Kong desperately needs the border open so they are doing what they THINK Beijing wants.

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Hong Kong is done and dusted, just like Shanghai!

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Well if so, the strategy didn't work ;)

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Amazed to find an Austrian here. I thought I was the only one. I think I was the only foreigner at Yaron Books lecture on capitalism and book signing. Heard you on Tom Woods podcast. I think I agree with the main points. Lots of nuance and hard to explain in a short time. Good discussion.

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Yeah I was going to post the same thing! I am an Austrian living in Shanghai (for almost 10 years) and teaching IB Economics. I have been following Tom Woods for over 10 years. I was really happy to hear him interviewing someone from Shanghai. Even happier that the person was an Austrian. And most of all, was happy/relieved that the person was neither a tinfoil hat, hypercynical wing nut nor a guy carrying water for the CCP and all things China. Very grounded and knowledgeable. Excellent interview. I only wish the episode was longer!

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If one day you feel the urge to share an Austrian take on developments in China, feel free to contact us @austrianchina on Telegram.

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You mean the one in 2014 at the Jifeng bookstore? Our lead editor was one of the speakers at the event. Alas the Jifeng bookstore is no more.

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I think it was 2014. In a library on Huai Hai Lu. He was signing the chinese translation of his new book something about how Ayn Rands ideas can end big government. I was surprised he could publish that in China.

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Waiting for part II.

The Uyghur question is a recurrent subject in the West.

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Now you have the Part 2 you requested, here:


The Uyghur genocide storyline didn't however make the cut. Maybe its purveyors are running out of steam?

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Many thanks for this, very glad to here more that makes sense. I know that Western media has been trying to vilify China beyond what is actually going on.

I have been saying in my posts that China has known about proper medicine for 1,000's of years, and based on food and herbs and spices. They were using large doses of vitamin C near the start of 2020 successfully to treat respiratory diseases. I reference this in my link which I sent earlier - do check please.


I know about Remdesivir, Nazi toxic stuff like most big pharma drugs.


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As stated elsewhere, our team's focus is on economics, not biology. Do viruses actually exist? Is "Covid-19" caused by a virus? Is it equivalent with "the flu"? There are claims and counterclaims which we lack the expertise to comment on.

We can only report what we see on the ground in China, namely overwhelming evidence that there IS a sickness out there which is being transmitted from person to person.

We also know for example that it transmits readily in apartment buildings to other apartments located directly under and over the one where the infected people live, but not so readily to other apartments on the same floor. We know it transmits readily in crowded inside areas. Is it really critical whether or not we call label the cause of this transmission as a "virus"?

We can also report that this sickness seems to be getting milder and milder as time passes. By almost any rational standard, it clearly does not merit the attention it gets, but that is another matter.

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I appreciate your comments re your focus, but I repeat, do look at my links. Otherwise you are just barking up the wrong tree and this will do you no good as you will be looking in the wrong direction.

Diseases APPEAR to be transmitted, but this is not so. Appearances are deceiving. I used to believe they were transmittable but I had not bothered to think about it or research properly.

Diseases are merely a collection of symptoms cobbled together by big pharma and medical profession, especially in the west. This justifies expensive, but largely useless big pharma drugs that create 'customers' made sick by the neuro-toxic drugs.

It is all a big money making scam.

Covid 19 is the 'flu, and would not get the attention except for big pharma etc scaring people to death with the nonsense about it.

It is a Nazi/Marxist/communist plot. They all came out of Germany originally. I have explained this. It is not rocket science.

As regards apartments above and below, I am building surveyor. The issue could be carbon monoxide poisoning. Anybody bother to check? Service ducts etc. many be allowing gases to pass through.

Lateral thinking is required, and I understand these things and a whole lot more now at 62 years of age.

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I did read your post. These ideas do not however explain what has been observed throughout China. I don't know what is being passed from apartment to apartment, but it definitely is not carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide doesn't pause for a few days before going on to infect the next set of residents living above or below the second set.

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Whatever it is it is not the 'flu/Covid 19 which is the same thing. They must be being poisoned is some way, gas, food or water or otherwise. Tower blocks are complicated structures to build and flaws frequently occur for various reasons.

There is also such a thing a sick building syndrome. Unless one looks in detail at the matter one cannot pass judgement.

But I do know what I am talking about and others will say the same. The 'flu/covid 19 cannot be transmitted for the reasons explained.

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