Very interesting overview, thanks!

On the taking people to isolation camps. Did the authorities really kill 27 citizens on the way there? What was the justification? Was this confirmed by Chinese sources?

It would be also interesting to read your assessment of the results of the XX Congress of the CCP. Looks like chairman Xi and the forces behind him were the overall winners, especially in light of how elderly Hu Jintao was removed from the podium at the closing of congress, and the fact that liberal Li Keqiang will no longer be a member of politburo. I remember the celebration by the liberal Canada when Hu Jintao came to power in 2002. The main liberal rupor, The Globe & Mail (equivalent of the New York Times in US) came up with the weekend edition dedicated entirely to China and personally to Hu Jintao. I'm not kidding - the entire newspaper edition was convincing Canadians that China was great, but under Hu Jintao it is going to be the greatest. I couldn't believe my eyes back then. Where was I in Toronto or in Beijing?

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It was apparently an accident. It's a fair guess the driver was tired. The obvious question was: Why did this deportation need to take place in the middle of the night? See https://news.yahoo.com/27-killed-china-bus-crashes-140428436.html

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Would you like to elaborate on who you are and where (if at all) you are located in China?

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Our team is based in Shanghai.

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What team is that, if i may ask?

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Publishing a staff list is not always a wise strategy.

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Just wanne get an idea what kind of animal you are.

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And personal experiences would be greatly appreciated, if I may say so. Isn't Shanghai locked down completely because a concurrent political wing is mainly located there?

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No, the Shanghai lockdown ended on May 31st. I think it's unlikely the government will dare attempt to repeat such a stunt. If you scroll back a bit you will see quite a few articles about that period.

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As already mentioned in the comments on the following post (The Global Race to the Bottom), in the end Xi Jinping was re-elected as Chairman and Head of the Military Commission. Li Qiang, XJP's previous secretary who is now the Shanghai party secretary, will be the new Prime Minister, i.e. in position to succeed XJP whenever he should happen to take leave of us. Given his fairly solid track record in Shanghai, this can be seen as a bright side.

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Is this testing forced on everyone or just the ones who didn't get the shot?

If the jabbed don't have to keep testing, then it's just a forced inconvenience to make them get the jabs.

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That would indeed be a kind of coercion. From what I hear, it has been attempted before in a few places but to my knowledge no such attempt lasted long before being overturned. It is explicitly illegal to discriminate based on vaccination status. Fudging is not tolerated. Anyone who finds himself in such a situation can call the government help hotline 12345. It's a call center with case tracking, meaning that each case has to be resolved. I personally have never had anyone ask.

Testing isn't forced on anyone - at least not normally - but if you are in a locked down housing complex eventually you may get in trouble if you don't participate in their testing game. If they don't know you are at home for sure then you will probably get away with it. If they DO know AND the lockdown lasts a long time, eventually (one week? two weeks?) you may for example get your QR code turned yellow, a status which is a bit unclear. That can however be alleviated by doing a test at some point, so there are no long term consequences. Even back in the somewhat lawless days of the general lockdown the absolute safest approach was simply to refuse to participate. There were cases of doors being knocked down or locks picked, but only when someone had actually tested positive. For people who are not in a locked down area, as described above there is no testing requirement.

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Thanks. The whole convid narrative is clearly a way to control groups!

We know that 2020 total deaths were in line with previous years. Only after 21 is when the death count increased... But our media and medical system attribute that to "sudden adult death" which is not a disease, but indicator that they're ignoring the real cause of death.

Any governments that keep pushing ineffective shots for a disease that statistically is actually less dangerous than the flu is clearly using it to control people.

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There were quite a few deaths in China caused by the untested Chinese vaxxes, but we don't seem to have the SADS phenomenon or significant long term damage. The deaths I am aware of all took place either immediately after the vaccination, or within a month's time thereafter. That said, I am basing this on purely anecdotal evidence, since it's all a state secret. To get the truth probably the best source would probably be countries such as Argentina which used concoctions from Western, Chinese and Russian sources.

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